ABOUT Cyclifier.org

Cyclifier.org is an online community of enterpreneurs, companies, designers, architects and everybody else who is interested in or contributes to innovations that contribute to local exchange and production. The site allows you to post items at various scales within the reuse-topic. All examples of small commodities, furniture, interiors, buildings and reuse on urban scale are welcomed. Next to exhibiting applications, we promote the development of knowledge on the subject by starting up discussions, adding historical background and allowing usercomments.

JOINING Cyclifier.org

By signing into Cyclifier as a you will be able to add your own topics (see below) and comment other members stories. Sharing, viewing, commenting influences the order of posts. Only registered visitors are allowed to comment on other peoples cyclifiers and rate other peoples comments. Occasionally we’ll send a newsletter to all of the subscribed visitors of Cyclifier, this is the only way we’ll use your entered data.


Via three steps you are directed through adding your post to Cyclifier. This is very simple and self explaining. Every post should contain a minimum of one image, accompanied by links, flowcategory and a text introducing the topic. This can be expanded with a geotag on Google maps, You can also attach schemes like Material Flow Analysis, Sankey diagrams, pdf reports and the like.  After posting your item, the story is queued in the system and added to the Cyclifier page only after one of the editors has approved it. The user of a rejected entry will be notified of the whereabouts.


An uploaded image is preferrably of square format for the featured image and the logo one, and at least big 480×320 pixels wide and/or high fot the post ones. For additional imagematerial can be of shape. Please  be aware of the picture’s background as it might easily disturb the focus of interested visitors.


Cyclifier.org is an initiative of Superuse Studios, for further questions please contact jan.jongert@superuse-studios.com


Jan Jongert

Nels Nelson

Coen de Koning

Frank Feder


Anna Brambilla

Piero Medici

Jan Wouter Vorderman


Anna Brambilla




We are grateful to those who granted the research team access to their projects for site visits and interviews, and for the guidance and support of Frans de Jong, Consultant; Gijsbert Korevaar, Industrial Ecology TUDelft, Fabienne Goosens, Attero Eindhoven.

We also acknowledge funding from Stimuleringsfonds voor Architectuur and Fonds BKVB.


Web product design and development by Superuse Studios and Lettow Studios