Short description
In Jordan most of waste water that flows into sewers is harvested, treated and reused for different purposes.
Qualitative Analysis
Description of the Process
The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has a critical shortage of water resources. Water use per capita is among the lowest in the world and urban population continues to grow, increasing water demand. The government of Jordan has been quick to recognize the potential of wastewater reuse to expand the existing supply of water. Today nearly all the wastewater generated within the Kingdom is reused after appropriate treatment and blending with higher quality water. Planning is underway for further optimization of recycled water. Depending on quality, industrial and domestic wastewater is treated and then reused for crops irrigation, artificial recharge of the acquifer, for industrial use, discharge to water bodies.
The successful utilization of recycled water within Jordan has been made possible by the development and evolution of a sound legislative and legal foundation. There are several sets of standards that have paved the way. These include the first law regarding the operation of municipal sewer systems, which was first established in 1955, and the original public health standards first enacted in 1971.
Policy and legal context
The reuse of wastewater is now regulated by several sets of standards: including one governing the discharge of toxic materials to sewers and others that established standards for reuse of wastewater and the processing and use of sludge.
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