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Production of artifacts within the jails with re-used materials.


Production of artefacts within the jails with re-used materials: rehabilitation of criminals into society

Qualitative Analysis

Description of the Process

The "malefatte... di città di venezia" project actually came in being on plain intuition: where are those enormous advertising banners used in Venice and throughout the mainland for promotional purposes, stowed once their use is over?  In taking his solitary walks, reflecting, observing how at times, huge parts of banners are recycled if needed as cover-ups for boats, cars, etc. (thanks to their waterproof resistance) is how Fabrizio Olivetti art director of the Venice City Hall's Graphics Office drew up this new plan. He created a reliable working group and found brotherly accomplices such as: Francesca Codrino graphic designer and Lucio Schiavon illustrator who both got immediately keenly involved in this project.The Ufficio Servizio Civile (Venice City Hall's Civile Service Office) also joined in and cooperated with much enthusiasm.. The actual accomplishment task instead, was entrusted to the Rio Terà dei Pensieri cooperative which offers vocational training activities since 1994 and occasionally produces artefacts within the Venetian jails. The proceeds of the sales will serve as a fund to this important social activity.

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