Short description
Driver project for sustainable design techniques, to be used tomorrow everywhere.
Driver project for sustainable design techniques, studied and tested, to be used tomorrow everywhere.
Qualitative Analysis
Description of the Process
Four buildings, one each year and each one more ambitious than the previous one: energy producing and up to 100% made of renewable and recycled materials, partly grown in the garden. The (small) district itself should be 0-energy as well and produce and clean its own water. Market stakeholders and the region develop the 0-impact district togehter and create a learning and research environment for the students. It is a project initiated by Zuyd University and coordinated by RiBuilT, the Research Institute Built environment of Tomorrow. It is part of a Transition programme for the region, to cope with climate change, fossil fuels depletion and resource scarcity. It becomes very special due to the fact that Students design the projects (the winning design from the University graduation project) and is constructed by pupils of construction schools. The professional market is involved by helping constructing the projects, and research for innovative products and management. The whole area is seen as an open innovation platform, where market stakeholders, education and local government can kick of a transition towards a more sustainable region.